Clara Conceicao

Vancouver, British Columbia

Clara graduated from McMaster University in 2020 with Honours in Justice, Political Philosophy, and Law along with a minor in political science and a certificate in leadership and cross-cultural literacy. Clara then decided to pursue a Master of Arts which she successfully completed in 2022 at York University. Her master’s research paper (MRP) called for an amendment to Section 91-95 of the Canadian Constitution to give First Nations power in legal decision making through a heterarchical constitutional arrangement. In May 2022, Clara was chosen to present her draft MRP at the Association for Philosophy and Literature & the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada’s biannual conference held in Banff, AB. Her focuses surround international human rights, global diplomacy, philosophy, and legal political theory. Clara is currently a Research Fellow at the Center for Global Health Security & Diplomacy, where she is writing a brief on the international pandemic agreement proposed by the World Health Organization. Clara continues to advocate for justice and equality through participation in organizations, volunteer work, and her day-to-day activities. Clara is currently based and enjoying the nature of beautiful Vancouver. In her spare time, she enjoys reading fantasy Shakespeare adaptations, skiing, hiking, and fitness classes with friends.


Avinashpall Singh


Dhara Parsania